• UK
  • SUMMIT PARTNERS LLP - 11-12, Hanover Square, London, W1S 1JJ, United Kingdom

Company Information

Company registration number
Company Status
United Kingdom
Registered Address
Hanover Square
11-12, Hanover Square, London, W1S 1JJ UK

Company Details

Type of Business
Age Of Company
2013-09-30 10 years


Beneficial Owners
Bruce Roger Evans
Charles James Fitzgerald
Mr Peter Chung
Thomas Hungerford Jennings
Scott Charles Collins
John Robert Carroll
Craig David Frances
Mr Martin Joseph Mannion
Mr Darren Michael Black
Thomas Hungerford Jennings
Craig David Frances
John Robert Carroll
Summit Partners (Uk) Advisory Limited
Scott Charles Collins
Mr Peter Chung

Jurisdiction Particularities

Additional Status Details
Previous Names
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
Filing of Accounts
Due Date: 2021-09-30
Last Date: 2019-12-31
Annual Return
Due Date: 2021-10-14
Last Date: 2020-09-30

SUMMIT PARTNERS LLP Company Description

SUMMIT PARTNERS LLP is a llp registered in United Kingdom with the Company reg no OC388179. Its current trading status is "live". It was registered 2013-09-30. It was previously called SUMMIT PARTNERS (UK) ADVISORY LLP. The latest accounts are filed up to 2019-12-31.It can be contacted at 11-12 .
More information

Get SUMMIT PARTNERS LLP Register ReportAnnual AccountsShareholder ListArticles of AssociationBeneficial Owners Check

You are here: Summit Partners Llp - 11-12, Hanover Square, London, W1S 1JJ, United Kingdom

2013-09-30 10 years
  • 0-2
  • 3-5
  • 6-20
  • 21-50
  • 51+
  • years

Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for SUMMIT PARTNERS LLP as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.

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Register Report

Official proof of the company existence

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Annual Accounts

Financial data for the last reported full year

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Shareholder List

Details on the shareholders

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Articles of Association

Founding documents

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Beneficial Owners Check

Beneficial Owners details

Official Filings

Company filings direct from the official registry.

  • accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2021-02-22) - AA

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  • change-person-member-limited-liability-partnership-with-name-change-date (2020-10-12) - LLCH01

    Add to Cart
  • confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2020-10-12) - LLCS01

    Add to Cart
  • change-to-a-person-with-significant-control-limited-liability-partnership (2019-02-20) - LLPSC04

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  • change-corporate-member-limited-liability-partnership-with-name-change-date (2019-02-20) - LLCH02

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  • change-to-a-person-with-significant-control-limited-liability-partnership (2019-02-21) - LLPSC04

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  • notification-of-a-person-with-significant-control-limited-liability-partnership (2019-03-21) - LLPSC01

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  • change-to-a-person-with-significant-control-limited-liability-partnership (2019-02-20) - LLPSC05

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  • cessation-of-a-person-with-significant-control-limited-liability-partnership (2019-03-21) - LLPSC07

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  • accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2019-09-12) - AA

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  • confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2019-09-30) - LLCS01

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  • notification-of-a-person-with-significant-control-limited-liability-partnership (2018-02-23) - LLPSC01

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  • change-registered-office-address-limited-liability-partnership-with-date-old-address-new-address (2018-08-09) - LLAD01

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  • accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2018-09-25) - AA

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  • confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2018-10-12) - LLCS01

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  • change-person-member-limited-liability-partnership-with-name-change-date (2017-10-05) - LLCH01

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  • confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2017-10-05) - LLCS01

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  • accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2017-09-27) - AA

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  • change-to-a-person-with-significant-control-limited-liability-partnership (2017-09-25) - LLPSC05

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  • change-corporate-member-limited-liability-partnership-with-name-change-date (2017-09-22) - LLCH02

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  • termination-member-limited-liability-partnership-with-name-termination-date (2017-09-22) - LLTM01

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  • change-registered-office-address-limited-liability-partnership-with-date-old-address-new-address (2017-07-05) - LLAD01

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  • termination-member-limited-liability-partnership-with-name-termination-date (2017-04-12) - LLTM01

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  • confirmation-statement-with-updates (2016-10-17) - LLCS01

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  • accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2016-05-10) - AA

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  • appoint-person-member-limited-liability-partnership-with-appointment-date (2016-03-09) - LLAP01

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  • appoint-person-member-limited-liability-partnership-with-appointment-date (2015-01-14) - LLAP01

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  • change-corporate-member-limited-liability-partnership-with-name-change-date (2015-01-21) - LLCH02

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  • accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2015-05-11) - AA

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  • annual-return-limited-liability-partnership-with-made-up-date (2015-10-28) - LLAR01

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  • annual-return-limited-liability-partnership-with-made-up-date (2015-01-21) - LLAR01

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  • appoint-person-member-limited-liability-partnership (2014-06-06) - LLAP01

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  • appoint-person-member-limited-liability-partnership (2014-05-06) - LLAP01

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  • change-of-status-limited-liability-partnership (2014-05-06) - LLDE01

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  • certificate-change-of-name-company (2014-04-09) - CERTNM

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  • change-account-reference-date-limited-liability-partnership-current-extended (2014-02-20) - LLAA01

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  • incorporation-limited-liability-partnership (2013-09-30) - LLIN01

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